Fu of Very Delicate Crisp Skin Bubble

3:29 AM

Fu Of Very Delicate Crisp Skin Bubble

  • Crisp skin
  • Butter 80G
  • Candy pink 55G
  • Low muscle flour (sift out) 100G
  • Bubble Fu
  • Milk 170G
  • Without saline butter 75G
  • White saccharic 1G
  • Low muscle flour (sift out) 105G
  • Egg 3 (meet according to egg size different oh)


1, it is good that crisp skin should be done ahead of schedule 2, Fu of the bubble that bake often does not open oven

  1. (make crisp skin first) pink of butter bate mixture candy
  2. Butter and candy pink mix to exquisite
  3. Flour of will low muscle is joined 2 in, break up up by bottom, next pressing, mix come to do not have pink equably can
  4. With last bag of plastics, the size plastics of the bubble Fu that makes according to you is become cylindrical, put freezer cold storage to make him bit stronger, convenient cut, also be no good too forcedly
  5. (begin to do bubble Fu now, begin warm-up oven oh) milk, butter and candy mix
  6. Heat to boiling, boiling after 1 minute
  7. Join the low muscle flour of sift out, fast agitate comes to without grain, again flameout
  8. The egg infiltrates entirely first in the bowl, each affiliation panada, every join a fast agitate even, add the 3rd moment to want cent right amount join, observation panada is ropy degree, mention trigonometry can, mix finally to panada burnish complaisant can
  9. Load bag of back up cotton print
  10. Baking dish squeeze equably piece, perpendicular what carry up is crowded piece, below full go up fine (if bake dish it is not to prevent sticking oilpaper wanting a shop oh)
  11. After crisp Pi Leng hides, bear fruit a little, convenient cut take use, if be cut very broken, can put first time lukewarm
  12. Crisp on the bubble Fu upper cover that has squeezed skin
  13. Put the oven with good warm-up, suffer from excessive internal heat 200 degrees, next fire bake 10 minutes 160 degrees, turn suffer from excessive internal heat 180 degrees, next fire bake 15 minutes 160 degrees, the first oven is not opened inside 10 minutes (if do not have those who divide fluctuation fire, fluctuation fire all 180 degrees, 25 minutes, 5 minutes should see cough up finally, because every oven temperature is different, do not want chromatically too cross cough up)
  14. Give heat
  15. One kind has crisp skin, one kind does not have crisp skin, this is the deal with whole recipe, can halve.
  16. Crisp skin, without stuffing very delicious
  17. The stuffing inside bubble Fu; Card be an official amounts to sauce (specific Directions does not want to write, your Baidu oh) the stuffing that weak perhaps butter and candy pink dismiss is very lightsome also, very assist

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